Starting Ranks for word are are is monosemous finished printsortbyvalinfile Starting Ranks for word learned learned is monosemous finished printsortbyvalinfile Starting Ranks for word do do#v#2 = 3.11999989110664e-05 do#v#5 = 1.39986267576935e-05 do#v#9 = 1.18287430065676e-05 do#v#7 = 8.31643055004335e-06 do#v#10 = 6.71505785220365e-06 do#v#8 = 6.4054907913588e-06 do#v#3 = 5.52741267722774e-06 do#v#1 = 5.52741267722774e-06 do#v#6 = 5.11368515436395e-06 do#v#13 = 4.95890162394153e-06 do#v#12 = 4.08082350981046e-06 do#v#4 = 3.35752892610183e-06 do#v#11 = 3.2027453956794e-06 finished printsortbyvalinfile No Neighbours for word increasing Starting Ranks for word realise realise#v#1 = 3.08390582613063e-06 realise#v#5 = 1.35117444713795e-06 realise#v#4 = 4.7689222265969e-07 realise#v#6 = 3.73263598819669e-07 realise#v#3 = 1.32306803230009e-07 realise#v#2 = 3.21284473459471e-08 finished printsortbyvalinfile Starting Ranks for word enhance enhance#v#1 = 0.000170676051960968 enhance#v#2 = 8.03841971555676e-05 finished printsortbyvalinfile Starting Ranks for word have have#v#2 = 2.07014120195382e-06 have#v#9 = 2.07014120195382e-06 have#v#5 = 2.07014120195382e-06 have#v#19 = 1.72511766829485e-06 have#v#1 = 1.72511766829485e-06 have#v#4 = 1.38009413463588e-06 have#v#3 = 1.38009413463588e-06 have#v#7 = 1.38009413463588e-06 have#v#18 = 1.38009413463588e-06 have#v#13 = 1.03507060097691e-06 have#v#6 = 1.03507060097691e-06 have#v#12 = 1.03507060097691e-06 have#v#10 = 6.9004706731794e-07 have#v#14 = 6.9004706731794e-07 have#v#8 = 6.9004706731794e-07 have#v#16 = 3.4502353365897e-07 have#v#11 = 3.4502353365897e-07 have#v#15 = 3.4502353365897e-07 have#v#17 = 3.4502353365897e-07 finished printsortbyvalinfile Starting Ranks for word be be#v#1 = 1.85976857080441e-07 be#v#13 = 1.67895773753176e-07 be#v#3 = 1.29150595194751e-08 be#v#7 = 1.03320476155801e-08 be#v#10 = 1.03320476155801e-08 be#v#6 = 7.74903571168506e-09 be#v#11 = 7.74903571168506e-09 be#v#4 = 7.74903571168506e-09 be#v#2 = 7.74903571168506e-09 be#v#5 = 7.74903571168506e-09 be#v#12 = 5.16602380779004e-09 be#v#9 = 5.16602380779004e-09 be#v#8 = 2.58301190389502e-09 finished printsortbyvalinfile Starting Ranks for word made made is monosemous finished printsortbyvalinfile No Neighbours for word realising Starting Ranks for word come come#v#12 = 2.8016766878007e-05 come#v#14 = 2.8016766878007e-05 come#v#8 = 2.66329782800158e-05 come#v#1 = 1.58344913111293e-05 come#v#2 = 1.25064874239825e-05 come#v#4 = 1.00527094416763e-05 come#v#17 = 6.21244117897916e-06 come#v#5 = 5.95810453389595e-06 come#v#3 = 5.87379778547198e-06 come#v#10 = 5.24890104051929e-06 come#v#6 = 4.74189691208463e-06 come#v#9 = 4.18161333860415e-06 come#v#19 = 4.17620997380453e-06 come#v#20 = 4.12215077001111e-06 come#v#21 = 3.70215507240022e-06 come#v#18 = 3.55568407298341e-06 come#v#13 = 3.10892227188939e-06 come#v#7 = 3.10622058948958e-06 come#v#11 = 2.39971877851273e-06 come#v#16 = 2.17189547499221e-06 come#v#15 = 2.06107538500555e-06 finished printsortbyvalinfile Starting Ranks for word is is is monosemous finished printsortbyvalinfile No Neighbours for word aimed No Neighbours for word improving No Neighbours for word declining Starting Ranks for word happening happening is monosemous finished printsortbyvalinfile Starting Ranks for word has has is monosemous finished printsortbyvalinfile No Neighbours for word slowed Starting Ranks for word given given is monosemous finished printsortbyvalinfile No Neighbours for word tackled No Neighbours for word designed No Neighbours for word expanding No Neighbours for word developing Starting Ranks for word need need#v#1 = 0.000102919763596828 need#v#2 = 2.27339983724092e-05 need#v#3 = 1.39690666522916e-06 finished printsortbyvalinfile No Neighbours for word intensified Starting Ranks for word require require#v#1 = 3.05921898934795e-05 require#v#3 = 1.30794590974741e-05 require#v#4 = 1.28682027021717e-05 require#v#2 = 3.68780791309477e-06 finished printsortbyvalinfile No Neighbours for word increased Starting Ranks for word provided provided is monosemous finished printsortbyvalinfile Starting Ranks for word taken taken is monosemous finished printsortbyvalinfile Starting Ranks for word taking taking is monosemous finished printsortbyvalinfile No Neighbours for word maintaining No Neighbours for word acquiring Starting Ranks for word manage manage#v#2 = 0.000131151251814289 manage#v#3 = 6.97788678828914e-05 manage#v#4 = 6.61507783908155e-05 manage#v#1 = 4.05115972120901e-05 manage#v#7 = 3.78255295223183e-05 manage#v#6 = 2.65990006689423e-05 manage#v#5 = 3.18612347197334e-06 finished printsortbyvalinfile No Neighbours for word realised No Neighbours for word involving Starting Ranks for word remains remains is monosemous finished printsortbyvalinfile Starting Ranks for word being being is monosemous finished printsortbyvalinfile No Neighbours for word provides Starting Ranks for word reserved reserved is monosemous finished printsortbyvalinfile Starting Ranks for word complete complete#v#5 = 5.10701410415683e-06 complete#v#2 = 5.00837096030653e-06 complete#v#1 = 4.94402183093282e-06 complete#v#3 = 3.67084590268399e-06 complete#v#4 = 4.66014512115687e-07 finished printsortbyvalinfile Starting Ranks for word intended intended is monosemous finished printsortbyvalinfile Starting Ranks for word covering covering is monosemous finished printsortbyvalinfile Starting Ranks for word receiving receiving is monosemous finished printsortbyvalinfile Starting Ranks for word was was is monosemous finished printsortbyvalinfile No Neighbours for word issued No Neighbours for word modified Starting Ranks for word according according is monosemous finished printsortbyvalinfile Starting Ranks for word proceed proceed#v#4 = 8.647759401237e-06 proceed#v#2 = 3.70019184883415e-06 proceed#v#3 = 2.02878631318077e-06 proceed#v#5 = 1.52352227683803e-06 proceed#v#1 = 1.00607270187015e-06 finished printsortbyvalinfile No Neighbours for word enhanced No Neighbours for word constructing Starting Ranks for word create create#v#1 = 4.38042502548371e-05 create#v#2 = 2.00183156111273e-05 create#v#5 = 1.7850658994251e-05 create#v#6 = 1.30080760148253e-05 create#v#3 = 9.37734354571329e-06 create#v#4 = 3.07534762106882e-06 finished printsortbyvalinfile No Neighbours for word helps Starting Ranks for word establish establish#v#5 = 5.09652029812595e-05 establish#v#4 = 2.95470248842096e-05 establish#v#7 = 1.79349706693064e-05 establish#v#2 = 1.73383790101303e-05 establish#v#1 = 5.85552671799758e-06 establish#v#3 = 5.3377790250763e-06 establish#v#6 = 4.35397291442691e-06 establish#v#8 = 3.12925557571855e-06 finished printsortbyvalinfile Starting Ranks for word convert convert#v#2 = 8.70747046251334e-06 convert#v#4 = 5.19662910615687e-06 convert#v#1 = 4.7829145315855e-06 convert#v#11 = 3.97983061614904e-06 convert#v#3 = 3.31106795378729e-06 convert#v#9 = 3.3048191560036e-06 convert#v#10 = 2.82209390228969e-06 convert#v#5 = 1.86981828569195e-06 convert#v#6 = 9.75032305466654e-07 convert#v#7 = 5.8427130095109e-09 convert#v#8 = 5.8427130095109e-09 finished printsortbyvalinfile No Neighbours for word desired Starting Ranks for word terrestrial terrestrial is monosemous finished printsortbyvalinfile Starting Ranks for word aquatic aquatic is monosemous finished printsortbyvalinfile Starting Ranks for word connect connect#v#1 = 9.25106184521572e-06 connect#v#2 = 7.26444753892577e-06 connect#v#3 = 4.9283315779147e-06 connect#v#6 = 2.6349114688953e-06 connect#v#7 = 2.11309980329592e-06 connect#v#11 = 2.10989568535783e-06 connect#v#10 = 1.95192874914351e-06 connect#v#4 = 7.22474453805373e-07 connect#v#8 = 7.89834681071619e-08 connect#v#5 = 7.89834681071619e-08 connect#v#9 = 3.94917340535809e-08 finished printsortbyvalinfile Starting Ranks for word increase increase#v#2 = 0.000151368796174728 increase#v#1 = 0.000126902759150438 finished printsortbyvalinfile No Neighbours for word involves Starting Ranks for word ensure ensure#v#2 = 3.13797130252786e-05 ensure#v#1 = 2.41566782946702e-05 finished printsortbyvalinfile Starting Ranks for word die die#v#10 = 6.73971557792902e-07 die#v#4 = 5.15771214981228e-07 die#v#1 = 2.72720685035463e-07 die#v#9 = 2.57496660049757e-07 die#v#3 = 1.27997270456376e-07 die#v#11 = 1.20763070058193e-07 die#v#2 = 1.20763070058193e-07 die#v#8 = 8.6391408359133e-08 die#v#7 = 8.09539808681429e-08 die#v#5 = 6.51275068913603e-08 die#v#6 = 4.65823191690826e-08 finished printsortbyvalinfile No Neighbours for word colonised Starting Ranks for word enable enable is monosemous finished printsortbyvalinfile Starting Ranks for word move move#v#1 = 5.26209583703256e-06 move#v#2 = 4.42753136132302e-06 move#v#3 = 2.95453576483447e-06 move#v#4 = 2.69586362018118e-06 move#v#8 = 2.09446313935674e-06 move#v#7 = 1.61882039363652e-06 move#v#9 = 1.22145254018497e-06 move#v#15 = 1.10629894395293e-06 move#v#6 = 7.25495783318308e-07 move#v#14 = 5.69714164793392e-07 move#v#16 = 4.95956756866661e-07 move#v#10 = 4.95956756866661e-07 move#v#5 = 4.95956756866661e-07 move#v#11 = 4.75642745720221e-07 move#v#13 = 4.17681864597989e-07 move#v#12 = 1.14385430219611e-07 finished printsortbyvalinfile Starting Ranks for word obtain obtain#v#1 = 3.31073839544421e-05 obtain#v#2 = 8.88214694478233e-06 obtain#v#3 = 1.36625059195575e-07 finished printsortbyvalinfile Starting Ranks for word accommodate accommodate#v#2 = 3.07384747390531e-05 accommodate#v#3 = 1.23735999196345e-05 accommodate#v#4 = 5.77928933566032e-06 accommodate#v#1 = 3.85285955710688e-06 accommodate#v#6 = 2.11985564123763e-07 accommodate#v#5 = 2.11985564123763e-07 finished printsortbyvalinfile Starting Ranks for word consist consist#v#2 = 8.06815257276956e-07 consist#v#3 = 6.69045436498317e-07 consist#v#4 = 5.51402134429519e-07 consist#v#1 = 4.22913502336128e-07 finished printsortbyvalinfile Starting Ranks for word cover cover#v#6 = 2.91481822851909e-05 cover#v#2 = 3.92490577332487e-06 cover#v#3 = 3.17597145726688e-06 cover#v#13 = 2.72134815027209e-06 cover#v#14 = 2.69777286529482e-06 cover#v#18 = 2.44695903631222e-06 cover#v#1 = 1.99233572931743e-06 cover#v#8 = 1.95249193911077e-06 cover#v#24 = 1.95249193911077e-06 cover#v#16 = 1.70525839051004e-06 cover#v#15 = 1.68533649540671e-06 cover#v#22 = 1.24340141325945e-06 cover#v#5 = 1.22347951815611e-06 cover#v#25 = 1.20355762305278e-06 cover#v#23 = 1.03601165486538e-06 cover#v#17 = 9.96167864658717e-07 cover#v#11 = 7.29012420954656e-07 cover#v#19 = 7.29012420954656e-07 cover#v#9 = 2.67155443704061e-07 cover#v#26 = 2.67155443704061e-07 cover#v#21 = 2.47233548600728e-07 cover#v#12 = 3.98437902066657e-08 cover#v#10 = 1.99218951033329e-08 cover#v#4 = 1.99218951033329e-08 cover#v#7 = 0 finished printsortbyvalinfile Starting Ranks for word see see#v#10 = 1.02198511845091e-06 see#v#24 = 8.47067412656822e-07 see#v#7 = 7.0911383606253e-07 see#v#5 = 6.08424752701155e-07 see#v#20 = 5.35437909665858e-07 see#v#1 = 4.94023955435766e-07 see#v#4 = 4.56005428100973e-07 see#v#21 = 4.19279778942491e-07 see#v#2 = 3.95092205532369e-07 see#v#6 = 3.87615458881654e-07 see#v#13 = 3.23136470618198e-07 see#v#15 = 3.22620916557635e-07 see#v#9 = 2.44996867229623e-07 see#v#17 = 2.30043373928194e-07 see#v#14 = 2.22566627277479e-07 see#v#19 = 2.15089880626764e-07 see#v#3 = 2.12816993108223e-07 see#v#16 = 1.40861258194053e-07 see#v#18 = 1.31111624024797e-07 see#v#23 = 1.23634877374082e-07 see#v#8 = 1.16158130723367e-07 see#v#12 = 2.47031274706852e-08 see#v#11 = 2.47031274706852e-08 see#v#22 = 7.47674665071471e-09 finished printsortbyvalinfile Starting Ranks for word vary vary#v#1 = 3.39208815357405e-05 vary#v#2 = 3.28359127035855e-05 vary#v#3 = 2.99695190563072e-05 vary#v#4 = 6.11639635359897e-08 finished printsortbyvalinfile No Neighbours for word depending Starting Ranks for word corridor corridor is monosemous finished printsortbyvalinfile No Neighbours for word required Starting Ranks for word provide provide#v#2 = 6.07378729926552e-05 provide#v#5 = 5.30633640858851e-05 provide#v#1 = 4.40591704446432e-05 provide#v#4 = 2.50209071130462e-05 provide#v#6 = 6.76729409854016e-06 provide#v#7 = 4.74815559681797e-06 provide#v#3 = 4.04920443280954e-06 finished printsortbyvalinfile Starting Ranks for word improve improve#v#1 = 0.000255445528197071 improve#v#2 = 3.04796353455549e-05 finished printsortbyvalinfile Starting Ranks for word were were is monosemous finished printsortbyvalinfile Starting Ranks for word regarding regarding is monosemous finished printsortbyvalinfile Starting Ranks for word accomplished accomplished is monosemous finished printsortbyvalinfile Starting Ranks for word been been is monosemous finished printsortbyvalinfile No Neighbours for word observed Starting Ranks for word take take#v#14 = 1.00750285177141e-05 take#v#38 = 2.21992153780142e-06 take#v#37 = 2.21992153780142e-06 take#v#26 = 1.98085306449972e-06 take#v#4 = 2.39068473301691e-07 take#v#8 = 1.70763195215494e-07 take#v#28 = 1.70763195215494e-07 take#v#29 = 1.70763195215494e-07 take#v#35 = 1.70763195215494e-07 take#v#2 = 1.37343029196279e-07 take#v#30 = 1.36610556172395e-07 take#v#5 = 1.36610556172395e-07 take#v#7 = 1.36610556172395e-07 take#v#24 = 1.36610556172395e-07 take#v#17 = 1.36610556172395e-07 take#v#13 = 1.36610556172395e-07 take#v#3 = 1.36610556172395e-07 take#v#18 = 1.02457917129296e-07 take#v#21 = 1.02457917129296e-07 take#v#9 = 1.02457917129296e-07 take#v#12 = 1.02457917129296e-07 take#v#22 = 1.02457917129296e-07 take#v#10 = 7.05026971578492e-08 take#v#6 = 6.90377511100814e-08 take#v#20 = 6.83052780861974e-08 take#v#11 = 6.83052780861974e-08 take#v#41 = 6.83052780861974e-08 take#v#34 = 6.83052780861974e-08 take#v#25 = 6.83052780861974e-08 take#v#16 = 3.63500581147505e-08 take#v#1 = 3.41526390430987e-08 take#v#32 = 3.41526390430987e-08 take#v#23 = 3.41526390430987e-08 take#v#31 = 3.41526390430987e-08 take#v#40 = 3.41526390430987e-08 take#v#27 = 3.41526390430987e-08 take#v#15 = 3.41526390430987e-08 take#v#33 = 3.41526390430987e-08 take#v#42 = 3.41526390430987e-08 finished printsortbyvalinfile Starting Ranks for word seen seen is monosemous finished printsortbyvalinfile Starting Ranks for word produce produce#v#7 = 2.39769663048888e-05 produce#v#2 = 1.00915651214988e-05 produce#v#3 = 9.16004963593323e-07 produce#v#1 = 9.15808644054926e-07 produce#v#4 = 7.07591859238657e-07 produce#v#6 = 5.72903379667482e-07 produce#v#5 = 3.37800956389122e-07 finished printsortbyvalinfile No Neighbours for word proves No Neighbours for word seemed Starting Ranks for word reverse reverse#v#1 = 2.13076018620944e-06 reverse#v#2 = 1.75497242382294e-06 reverse#v#4 = 7.88412269644053e-07 reverse#v#5 = 1.72456037622116e-07 finished printsortbyvalinfile Starting Ranks for word demolish demolish#v#2 = 0 demolish#v#1 = 0 finished printsortbyvalinfile No Neighbours for word reversing Starting Ranks for word built built is monosemous finished printsortbyvalinfile No Neighbours for word conveys No Neighbours for word populated No Neighbours for word applies No Neighbours for word returning Starting Ranks for word running running is monosemous finished printsortbyvalinfile Starting Ranks for word had had is monosemous finished printsortbyvalinfile Starting Ranks for word stopping stopping is monosemous finished printsortbyvalinfile No Neighbours for word added No Neighbours for word creates Starting Ranks for word lives lives is monosemous finished printsortbyvalinfile Starting Ranks for word found found#v#2 = 2.69824120052401e-05 found#v#3 = 2.55762715734319e-05 found#v#1 = 1.89359252104469e-05 finished printsortbyvalinfile No Neighbours for word obliged Starting Ranks for word protect protect#v#1 = 8.27644190939682e-05 protect#v#2 = 1.5529863008293e-05 finished printsortbyvalinfile No Neighbours for word dwindling Starting Ranks for word make make#v#31 = 8.07707110878173e-06 make#v#2 = 8.6983842709957e-07 make#v#5 = 6.28189692232053e-07 make#v#3 = 6.28189692232053e-07 make#v#10 = 4.98769662275702e-07 make#v#11 = 4.97050529771183e-07 make#v#1 = 3.77945294841943e-07 make#v#4 = 3.77945294841943e-07 make#v#29 = 3.72787897328387e-07 make#v#40 = 3.72787897328387e-07 make#v#8 = 2.55401794903666e-07 make#v#36 = 2.51963529894629e-07 make#v#41 = 2.51963529894629e-07 make#v#39 = 2.51963529894629e-07 make#v#6 = 2.51963529894629e-07 make#v#9 = 2.5024439739011e-07 make#v#26 = 2.48525264885592e-07 make#v#19 = 2.48525264885592e-07 make#v#48 = 2.48525264885592e-07 make#v#35 = 2.48525264885592e-07 make#v#15 = 1.36296559974426e-07 make#v#17 = 1.34577427469907e-07 make#v#7 = 1.3113916246087e-07 make#v#45 = 1.29420029956351e-07 make#v#23 = 1.29420029956351e-07 make#v#42 = 1.27700897451833e-07 make#v#20 = 1.27700897451833e-07 make#v#16 = 1.25981764947314e-07 make#v#14 = 1.25981764947314e-07 make#v#44 = 1.25981764947314e-07 make#v#13 = 1.25981764947314e-07 make#v#33 = 1.24262632442796e-07 make#v#43 = 1.24262632442796e-07 make#v#21 = 1.24262632442796e-07 make#v#22 = 1.24262632442796e-07 make#v#28 = 1.24262632442796e-07 make#v#18 = 6.87653001807416e-09 make#v#38 = 6.87653001807416e-09 make#v#49 = 5.15739751355562e-09 make#v#27 = 3.43826500903708e-09 make#v#47 = 3.43826500903708e-09 make#v#32 = 3.43826500903708e-09 make#v#24 = 3.43826500903708e-09 make#v#25 = 3.43826500903708e-09 make#v#34 = 3.43826500903708e-09 make#v#37 = 1.71913250451854e-09 make#v#30 = 1.71913250451854e-09 make#v#46 = 1.71913250451854e-09 make#v#12 = 1.71913250451854e-09 finished printsortbyvalinfile Starting Ranks for word located located is monosemous finished printsortbyvalinfile No Neighbours for word contributes Starting Ranks for word situated situated is monosemous finished printsortbyvalinfile No Neighbours for word enlarged No Neighbours for word includes Starting Ranks for word become become#v#1 = 6.09298794435281e-05 become#v#2 = 1.41577836940935e-05 become#v#3 = 1.20628167143822e-05 become#v#4 = 8.10153099532494e-06 finished printsortbyvalinfile No Neighbours for word reinforced Starting Ranks for word benefit benefit#v#1 = 0.000247375804467525 benefit#v#2 = 0.000167879837582081 finished printsortbyvalinfile No Neighbours for word migrating Starting Ranks for word carry carry#v#13 = 9.32886684403997e-06 carry#v#39 = 8.08398505136045e-06 carry#v#1 = 7.43103266297149e-06 carry#v#3 = 6.71553052257073e-06 carry#v#8 = 4.95171117474124e-06 carry#v#30 = 4.95017077435919e-06 carry#v#6 = 3.94328084070753e-06 carry#v#7 = 2.99971085925871e-06 carry#v#18 = 2.99817045887665e-06 carry#v#32 = 2.73528007269382e-06 carry#v#37 = 2.73528007269382e-06 carry#v#5 = 2.47855128803922e-06 carry#v#23 = 2.47624068746614e-06 carry#v#38 = 2.47624068746614e-06 carry#v#27 = 2.47547048727511e-06 carry#v#21 = 1.30597972881283e-06 carry#v#2 = 1.30597972881283e-06 carry#v#35 = 1.04771054377617e-06 carry#v#14 = 1.04462974301206e-06 carry#v#26 = 1.04462974301206e-06 carry#v#4 = 7.85590357784374e-07 carry#v#16 = 7.84049957402316e-07 carry#v#15 = 7.83279757211288e-07 carry#v#40 = 7.83279757211288e-07 carry#v#19 = 5.28861573129774e-07 carry#v#25 = 5.24240371983602e-07 carry#v#36 = 5.24240371983602e-07 carry#v#22 = 5.23470171792573e-07 carry#v#17 = 5.23470171792573e-07 carry#v#10 = 5.22699971601544e-07 carry#v#24 = 2.62890386182829e-07 carry#v#34 = 2.62890386182829e-07 carry#v#31 = 2.62890386182829e-07 carry#v#29 = 2.62890386182829e-07 carry#v#33 = 2.62890386182829e-07 carry#v#11 = 2.62120185991801e-07 carry#v#12 = 2.61349985800772e-07 carry#v#28 = 2.61349985800772e-07 carry#v#9 = 2.61349985800772e-07 carry#v#20 = 2.31060057308603e-09 finished printsortbyvalinfile No Neighbours for word aims Starting Ranks for word develop develop#v#1 = 1.6933885827765e-05 develop#v#12 = 1.5439680929234e-05 develop#v#15 = 1.48912363587327e-05 develop#v#6 = 1.28318563427556e-05 develop#v#10 = 1.25678545342163e-05 develop#v#5 = 1.22408959080768e-05 develop#v#13 = 8.80181585451922e-06 develop#v#2 = 8.59843109782459e-06 develop#v#7 = 4.97556494000526e-06 develop#v#14 = 4.88625671442728e-06 develop#v#4 = 4.82577519583844e-06 develop#v#9 = 4.32934873673161e-06 develop#v#21 = 4.08034174667561e-06 develop#v#3 = 3.90172529551964e-06 develop#v#19 = 3.90172529551964e-06 develop#v#11 = 2.50862807389986e-06 develop#v#20 = 2.09112259464349e-06 develop#v#8 = 2.0810046326879e-06 develop#v#18 = 2.0760501225323e-06 develop#v#16 = 1.69775859599259e-06 develop#v#17 = 1.25369472318048e-06 finished printsortbyvalinfile No Neighbours for word started No Neighbours for word developed No Neighbours for word enjoys Starting Ranks for word proven proven is monosemous finished printsortbyvalinfile Starting Ranks for word applied applied is monosemous finished printsortbyvalinfile No Neighbours for word achieved Starting Ranks for word providing providing is monosemous finished printsortbyvalinfile No Neighbours for word combined Starting Ranks for word flow flow#v#2 = 6.62995943568207e-06 flow#v#1 = 5.72989777149085e-06 flow#v#6 = 1.40036451454641e-06 flow#v#7 = 8.97198006436138e-07 flow#v#4 = 5.430705655554e-07 flow#v#5 = 4.74580513980871e-07 flow#v#3 = 3.72777227920006e-07 finished printsortbyvalinfile Starting Ranks for word used used is monosemous finished printsortbyvalinfile Starting Ranks for word overview overview is monosemous finished printsortbyvalinfile No Neighbours for word drains Starting Ranks for word max max is monosemous finished printsortbyvalinfile No Neighbours for word exposed No Neighbours for word supports No Neighbours for word backed No Neighbours for word listed Starting Ranks for word following following is monosemous finished printsortbyvalinfile No Neighbours for word suspended Starting Ranks for word feed feed#v#7 = 4.07584544791913e-06 feed#v#8 = 2.87960721422392e-06 feed#v#11 = 2.3401084036162e-06 feed#v#2 = 1.85673466284118e-06 feed#v#9 = 1.32099285829193e-06 feed#v#1 = 8.98117926786029e-07 feed#v#6 = 8.98117926786029e-07 feed#v#5 = 8.98117926786029e-07 finished printsortbyvalinfile No Neighbours for word changing No Neighbours for word accreting No Neighbours for word eroding Starting Ranks for word fixed fixed is monosemous finished printsortbyvalinfile Starting Ranks for word grassland grassland is monosemous finished printsortbyvalinfile Starting Ranks for word occur occur#v#1 = 0.000106711017520825 occur#v#3 = 8.50728519069893e-05 occur#v#2 = 9.64881780573324e-06 finished printsortbyvalinfile No Neighbours for word dominated Starting Ranks for word mid mid is monosemous finished printsortbyvalinfile No Neighbours for word represented Starting Ranks for word rush finished printsortbyvalinfile Starting Ranks for word swamp finished printsortbyvalinfile No Neighbours for word repens No Neighbours for word enters Starting Ranks for word rising rising is monosemous finished printsortbyvalinfile No Neighbours for word derived Starting Ranks for word including including is monosemous finished printsortbyvalinfile No Neighbours for word linked No Neighbours for word upstream No Neighbours for word undergoes No Neighbours for word covers Starting Ranks for word flowing flowing is monosemous finished printsortbyvalinfile Starting Ranks for word keeps keeps is monosemous finished printsortbyvalinfile No Neighbours for word discharges Starting Ranks for word fringe fringe#v#1 = 8.17426121468364e-06 fringe#v#2 = 7.78501068065108e-07 finished printsortbyvalinfile No Neighbours for word ranging No Neighbours for word recorded Starting Ranks for word drain drain#v#3 = 3.2045133379433e-05 drain#v#4 = 2.57972070104853e-05 drain#v#1 = 1.72165529297593e-05 drain#v#2 = 2.76892287586343e-06 finished printsortbyvalinfile Starting Ranks for word known known is monosemous finished printsortbyvalinfile No Neighbours for word excluded No Neighbours for word drained No Neighbours for word experiencing Starting Ranks for word showing showing is monosemous finished printsortbyvalinfile No Neighbours for word comprises No Neighbours for word carried No Neighbours for word changed No Neighbours for word protected No Neighbours for word entering No Neighbours for word comes No Neighbours for word believed No Neighbours for word continuing No Neighbours for word consists No Neighbours for word fringing No Neighbours for word resulting No Neighbours for word reduced No Neighbours for word tends No Neighbours for word pans Starting Ranks for word borrow borrow#v#1 = 1.40838238121605e-06 borrow#v#2 = 1.22340695948645e-06 finished printsortbyvalinfile Starting Ranks for word dominate dominate#v#1 = 1.29853617768534e-05 dominate#v#2 = 1.13591702672678e-05 dominate#v#3 = 1.12207496586485e-05 dominate#v#5 = 9.21840486113669e-06 dominate#v#4 = 5.10174301077189e-06 finished printsortbyvalinfile No Neighbours for word grazed No Neighbours for word contains Starting Ranks for word cap finished printsortbyvalinfile No Neighbours for word forms Starting Ranks for word related related is monosemous finished printsortbyvalinfile No Neighbours for word benefiting No Neighbours for word associated Starting Ranks for word working working is monosemous finished printsortbyvalinfile Starting Ranks for word affected affected is monosemous finished printsortbyvalinfile No Neighbours for word managed No Neighbours for word based No Neighbours for word calculated No Neighbours for word shows No Neighbours for word aggregated Starting Ranks for word reduce reduce#v#1 = 9.76162881598573e-05 reduce#v#7 = 4.64881101587261e-05 reduce#v#10 = 4.45471683547944e-05 reduce#v#17 = 4.35312833826026e-05 reduce#v#16 = 3.87407573278906e-05 reduce#v#2 = 3.1255287254801e-05 reduce#v#18 = 2.98174340280554e-05 reduce#v#8 = 2.67942054319386e-05 reduce#v#9 = 1.93695317493226e-05 reduce#v#6 = 1.71924935927189e-05 reduce#v#19 = 1.51968049385345e-05 reduce#v#12 = 9.09851576256953e-06 reduce#v#20 = 8.88498602622371e-06 reduce#v#13 = 8.51557482992581e-06 reduce#v#3 = 5.16456714993656e-06 reduce#v#11 = 4.46108182286239e-06 reduce#v#5 = 7.9100819607431e-07 reduce#v#15 = 6.47677604659875e-07 reduce#v#14 = 1.43330591414435e-07 finished printsortbyvalinfile Starting Ranks for word select select is monosemous finished printsortbyvalinfile No Neighbours for word divided Starting Ranks for word classified classified is monosemous finished printsortbyvalinfile No Neighbours for word defined Starting Ranks for word share share#v#3 = 5.07141526645265e-06 share#v#2 = 3.86825662088935e-06 share#v#5 = 2.21426097873726e-06 share#v#4 = 2.1263558995238e-06 share#v#1 = 1.00491237548544e-06 finished printsortbyvalinfile No Neighbours for word varies Starting Ranks for word follow follow#v#9 = 1.72232591974895e-05 follow#v#17 = 1.24148119489772e-05 follow#v#1 = 8.87249319552003e-06 follow#v#5 = 7.95565551154044e-06 follow#v#3 = 7.31317883110177e-06 follow#v#6 = 5.73715971327105e-06 follow#v#22 = 5.32398268351629e-06 follow#v#8 = 5.08526980758609e-06 follow#v#12 = 4.46855597176732e-06 follow#v#14 = 4.46407774029029e-06 follow#v#10 = 4.17606389394137e-06 follow#v#20 = 3.81691411975648e-06 follow#v#13 = 3.63263241824981e-06 follow#v#18 = 3.49575371212691e-06 follow#v#4 = 3.21802906762247e-06 follow#v#24 = 1.80567390255347e-06 follow#v#7 = 1.80567390255347e-06 follow#v#23 = 1.80567390255347e-06 follow#v#2 = 1.80567390255347e-06 follow#v#19 = 1.42294665751374e-06 follow#v#11 = 5.50815192352317e-07 follow#v#21 = 4.58039113752463e-07 follow#v#15 = 4.12666030536384e-07 finished printsortbyvalinfile Starting Ranks for word tend tend#v#1 = 9.89820158966115e-06 tend#v#2 = 9.1104332781104e-07 tend#v#3 = 5.19153839137437e-07 finished printsortbyvalinfile No Neighbours for word distributed No Neighbours for word declined No Neighbours for word hides Starting Ranks for word shown shown is monosemous finished printsortbyvalinfile No Neighbours for word indexed Starting Ranks for word farmland farmland is monosemous finished printsortbyvalinfile Starting Ranks for word took took is monosemous finished printsortbyvalinfile No Neighbours for word stabilizing No Neighbours for word flooded Starting Ranks for word lost lost is monosemous finished printsortbyvalinfile No Neighbours for word transformed No Neighbours for word remained No Neighbours for word stabilized No Neighbours for word converted No Neighbours for word continued Starting Ranks for word lose lose#v#1 = 1.42506423480163e-06 lose#v#9 = 9.2729061250461e-07 lose#v#4 = 6.92651221530382e-07 lose#v#7 = 6.13861631453711e-07 lose#v#6 = 4.28813571945679e-07 lose#v#2 = 4.01756557531323e-07 lose#v#11 = 3.88228050324145e-07 lose#v#8 = 3.75151771426495e-07 lose#v#3 = 3.53110046053377e-07 lose#v#5 = 2.95909953040296e-07 lose#v#10 = 2.70570144143556e-08 finished printsortbyvalinfile No Neighbours for word expanded Starting Ranks for word split split#v#1 = 9.2384914724613e-07 split#v#2 = 4.19303620515758e-07 split#v#4 = 2.67309709517944e-07 split#v#5 = 2.6654591978782e-08 split#v#3 = 2.53880728851062e-08 finished printsortbyvalinfile Starting Ranks for word mask mask#v#3 = 1.19440534561445e-07 mask#v#1 = 1.19440534561445e-07 mask#v#5 = 3.98135115204816e-08 mask#v#2 = 3.98135115204816e-08 mask#v#4 = 3.98135115204816e-08 finished printsortbyvalinfile No Neighbours for word decreasing Starting Ranks for word caught caught is monosemous finished printsortbyvalinfile No Neighbours for word growing No Neighbours for word degraded No Neighbours for word destroyed Starting Ranks for word saw saw is monosemous finished printsortbyvalinfile Starting Ranks for word preceding preceding is monosemous finished printsortbyvalinfile Starting Ranks for word live live#v#1 = 3.42250788422829e-05 live#v#2 = 1.26114825239255e-05 live#v#5 = 1.08083137930621e-05 live#v#3 = 9.0504357688318e-06 live#v#4 = 7.2292577412364e-06 live#v#6 = 7.20554252870807e-06 live#v#7 = 1.80174225191429e-06 finished printsortbyvalinfile Starting Ranks for word appear appear#v#5 = 1.32383196890185e-05 appear#v#3 = 6.88715133325272e-06 appear#v#2 = 5.92299187656972e-06 appear#v#1 = 4.64549931772183e-06 appear#v#4 = 2.09556531203674e-06 appear#v#6 = 3.70752811766263e-07 appear#v#7 = 2.01488910016823e-09 finished printsortbyvalinfile Starting Ranks for word bring bring#v#3 = 1.80446256986486e-06 bring#v#1 = 1.72360034492197e-06 bring#v#2 = 1.71610640808835e-06 bring#v#5 = 1.14982711315805e-06 bring#v#7 = 1.08581197328135e-06 bring#v#8 = 8.91701618985138e-07 bring#v#4 = 8.40996038199385e-07 bring#v#11 = 4.52105064349327e-07 bring#v#9 = 2.41065462193329e-07 bring#v#10 = 2.40602411579509e-07 bring#v#6 = 2.28093901865993e-07 finished printsortbyvalinfile No Neighbours for word fragmented No Neighbours for word regulated No Neighbours for word stored Starting Ranks for word contained contained is monosemous finished printsortbyvalinfile No Neighbours for word affects No Neighbours for word deltas No Neighbours for word disrupts No Neighbours for word causes No Neighbours for word broadleaved Starting Ranks for word montane montane is monosemous finished printsortbyvalinfile No Neighbours for word disrupted Starting Ranks for word impacted impacted is monosemous finished printsortbyvalinfile